Patrimoine & Commerce has opted for the legal status of SCA (a partnership limited by shares), a mode of governance which is a real vector for development of the company.The SCA facilitates implementation of the development plan by lifting the constraints of ownership control (desire for extensive opening-up of the equity). The SCA allows an absolute separation of powers between the management bodies (the Managing Partners) and the control bodies (the Supervisory Board). Patrimoine & Commerce therefore wishes to ensure the independence of the control bodies of the real estate company. Thus, 11 of the 15 members of the Supervisory Board are independent within the meaning of the MiddleNext Corporate Governance Code.

Eric Duval
Founder of Groupe Duval, Eric Duval is the initiator of the Patrimoine & Commerce project and its Managing Director. The property strategy is overseen by this recognised real estate professional. It is backed moreover by governance bodies which bring together commercial real estate players of affirmed independence. This favourable environment enables Patrimoine & Commerce to benefit from a wide network of business referrers from which many investment opportunities can be sourced.

“With a property portfolio of 76 assets and more than 528,000 sqm of retail space, Patrimoine et Commerce is today the property real estate company in low-cost retail parks in France. “
Pauline Boucon Duval
Pauline Duval is Managing Director of the Duval Group. She is a Member of the Executive Committee. After studying management at the University Panthéon Assas (Paris II), Pauline Duval moved to the American financial capital to complete her studies at the Metropolitan College of New York where she graduated in General Management. Her training led her to become an Acquisition Analyst with an international real estate company based in New York. Back in France in 2012, she joined the family group. She became Director of Strategy in charge of the development, diversification and digitalization of the Duval Group’s activities. She initiated investments in young innovative companies, convinced that this was a solid source of growth. In 2016, she became CEO of the Group.

Supervisory Board
The supervisory board has 15 members who carry out permanent control of the management of Patrimoine & Commerce. The supervisory board assesses its quality on behalf of the shareholders, to whom it reports each year.

Christian Louis-Victor
Christian Louis-Victor, Président du conseil de surveillance, 75 ans, diplômé d’études supérieures en génie civil, a débuté sa carrière au sein du Groupe Compagnie Générale des Eaux où il occupera différents postes de dirigeant dans le secteur de la construction de logements et de la maison dont celui de directeur du département international de CIP. En 1985, il rejoint François Pinault comme Président Directeur Général des activités de construction. Il acquiert ces activités et fonde le Groupe Louis-Victor, environ 1.000 collaborateurs et 150 millions d’euros de chiffre d’affaires. Il crée en 1991 la Compagnie d’Assurances Caution CEGI et la préside. En 2000, il rapproche la compagnie CEGI avec le Groupe des Caisses d’Epargne et crée en 2006 la Compagnie Européenne de Garanties et Cautions CEGC, intégrée au groupe Natixis/BPCE.
Christian Louis-Victor est Président Directeur Général de GEGC, Vice-président du conseil d’Administration et Président du comité d’audit de Surassur (société de réassurance du Groupe Caisse d’Epargne) et Président de l’Ecole Supérieure des Professions Immobilières ESPI.
Par ailleurs, Christian Louis-Victor est également Président de l’Union des Maisons Françaises, Président fondateur de l’Union européenne des Fédérations de Constructeurs de Maisons Individuelles, Président des salons du logement au comité des Expositions de Paris.
Monsieur Christian Louis Victor est domicilié au 5, villa Houssay à Neuilly-sur-Seine (92200).

Camille Barrois
A graduate of ESTP and a Master of Project Management from Northwestern University in Chicago, Camille began her professional life in 2001 at the SCC (Société des Centers Commercials) as project manager on the renovation of the Evry 2 center. She joined the world of investment in 2003 at Colony Capital where she participated in the structuring, management and sale of office development projects in Ile de France. At the end of 2010, she joined Yam Invest, the investment company of the former shareholders of the developer Cogedim, and participated in the creation of the real estate investment platform REALY. Since 2015, Camille has led the asset

Axel Bernia
Axel Bernia, representative of Naxicap Partners on the supervisory board, is graduated from HEC.
Axel Bernia began his career in strategy consulting at McKinsey & Co before joining SNCF in 2004 to work on launching from iDTGV.
Then, he joined the Smartbox Group and became Chief Executive Officer from 2006 to 2013.
He joined Naxicap Partners in 2014, as Associate Director and Member of the Management Board.
He currently works with Clinique Internationale du Parc Monceau, Ecotel Chomette Favorite, Adcash, Trustteam, Maxi Bazar and France Hospitality.

Emmanuel Chabas
Emmanuel Chabas, representative of Crédit Agricole Assurances on the supervisory board, is graduatec from ESSEC. Emmanuel Chabas began his career in management control and internal audit within the BNP Paribas group in 2001.
Then, he joined BNP Paribas Cardif in 2006 as Head of real estate acquisitions.
Since 2015, he has held the position Head of Real Estate Investments at Crédit Agricole Assurances.

Louis-Victor Duval
Louis-Victor Duval, 31, is Deputy Managing Director of the Duval Group. He holds a Master’s degree from the Ecole Supérieure des Professions Immobilières (ESPI). He previously spent 4 years with Linkcity, setting up real estate operations, before becoming Groupe Duval’s Strategy and Development Director.

Margaux Graff
Margaux Graff, representative of Daytona Holdings on the supervisory board, has a Masters in International Business from Hult International Business School London and a Masters in Hospitality Management at Glion Institute of Higher Education.
Since 2012, she is Property Asset Manager at Daytona in Luxembourg.

Hugues Grimaldi
Hugues Grimaldi, 56, with a legal background, began his career with CREDIT AGRICOLE ASSURANCES / PREDICA in 2005.
He is chairman of several OPCIs and administrator in various real estate structures (representative of Prédica, Member of the Supervisory Board).

Thomas Guyot
Thomas Guyot, 47, representing Suravenir on the Supervisory Board, is a graduate of the Ecole Polytechnique. He began his career in the telecommunications sector, at Cegetel Entreprises before joining Crédit Mutuel Arkéa in 2006, as Marketing Director of Symphonis, which later merged with Fortuneo. He then took charge of balance sheet management at Crédit Mutuel Arkéa, before taking over management of the trading room in 2008. He joined Suravenir in 2012 as technical and financial director and member of the management board. In this capacity, he notably supervises the financial management of the company and its investments, as well as the

Lydia Le Clair
Lydia Le Clair, representative of the Duval Group on the audit committee, is a certified public accountant.
She began her career in accounting firms, before joining the Duval Group in 1998.
She is now Managing Director.

Marie Monnet
Marie Monnet, representative on the supervisory board, is graduated from EDHEC Business School and an MBA from Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles.
After a postgraduate degree in finance at the University of Paris II, Marie Monnet was, at Morgan Stanley for 5 years, Vice-president of European and American equities sales to French institutional investors.
Then, at Merill Lynch, Vice-president of European equities sales for French clients for 3 years.
Since 2011, she has owned and managed a hotel in Paris.

Mathieu Requillart
Mathieu Requillart, 53, has been Managing Director of Banque Populaire Val de France since January 1, 2022. After having held commercial and risk functions within the BNP group and CIC, Mathieu Réquillart joined Banque Populaire du Nord in 2006. He was appointed member of the management committee in 2009 to serve as director of credits and then director of operations. In 2017, he joined the management board of Caisse d’Epargne Bretagne Pays de Loire, successively as Regional Development Bank agent and Retail Banking agent.

Aurélie Tristant
Aurélie Tristant, representative of Banque Palatine on the supervisory board, is graduated from the Rouen Business School.
Aurélie Tristant is a member of the Executive Committee of Banque Palatine, which she joined in 1988 as as a Credit Analyst in the Commitments Department.
Four years later, she was seconded to Sanpaolo IMI in New York.
In 1993, she was appointed Head of Special Affairs.
Two years later, she was promoted to Director of mixed branches (private and business customers)
Investment Committee
The investment committee is chaired by Eric Ranjard and made up of 4 members. The investment committee issues opinions on investment or disinvestment projects proposed by the management. A majority of the members take the decisions. The decisions are communicated to the supervisory board which decides on the decisions. The external members designated as members of the investment committee are appointed due to their professional experience which will bring real and recognised expertise to the investment committee.
- Audrey Chatain, representative of the company BMR Holding
- Alaxa Sempiana, representative of the company Suravenir
- Hugues Grimaldi, representative of the Predica company
- Philippe Vergely
- Thierry Querné, representative of the company Banque Populaire Val de France
Audit Committee
The audit commitee is mainly composed of supervisory board's members. Those members are experts in finance and management. The audit committee provides assistance and issues opinions to the supervisory board for financial and accounting matters. It also ensures respect of the procedures for in-house advice and the monitoring of risks with respect to Patrimoine & Commerce.
- Christian Louis-Victor
- Lydia Le Clair
- Emmanuel Chabas
Remuneration Committee
The remuneration committee is composed of 3 members. It issues opinions or recommendations to the supervisory board regarding the remuneration of the managers and members of the supervisory board.
- Aurélie Tristant
- Hugues Grimaldi
CSR Committee
The CSR committee is made up of 5 members. The CSR committee is chaired by Marie Monnet and is made up of five people from the Supervisory Board. The members of the CSR Committee are:
- Marie Monnet
- Margaux Graff
- Lydia Le Clair
- Thomas Guyot, representative of the Suravenir company